Saturday, February 29, 2020

Analysis Of Budget Airline Company Indigo Airlines Tourism Essay

Analysis Of Budget Airline Company Indigo Airlines Tourism Essay Indigo airlines are planning to introduce new promotional offers for the potential customers. The aim of the organisation is to increase the current market share by at least 30%.The goal of this marketing plan is to outline a new marketing strategy to attract the potential customers from other airlines, to attract the first time travellers as well. The demographic for the organisation consists people of all age groups with average income and middle class life style. In a recent survey it has been found that in India more than 20% people prefer air travel more than any other transport facility. Due to the sudden increase in the market for airline travel it can be said that it is easy to capitalise on the current image of the firm, however it could be a little difficult to gain competitive advantage in front of the competitors. Quality for the firm is the most important thing so quality can never be compromised with and that is the motto of the firm. 1. Introduction Organization and p roduct Indigo airline is a low cost airlines company operating from India since 2006. It has been very successful in the low cost airlines business from the time they have begun operations. They are one of the market leaders in the low cost airlines service providers and have a very good reputation in the Indian market. The reason for their good reputation is because of their punctuality and the service that they provide. Indigo airlines are currently catering to the needs of the domestic travellers in India and have been flying the sky since 2006. It has gained advantage in the market due to the punctuality and the prices that they offer to the customers. The need for new product offers arise from the increasing market which is growing at a rapid rate. The new offers for the airlines can not only attract potential customers but can also attract the loyal customers of other airlines as it would be very cost effective making it affordable. â€Å"The award-winning low-fare airline th at is redefining the airline business in India bagged the NDTV Profit Business Leadership Award 2009 in the category of Aviation†. ( Strategic Plan and Focus To achieve the firm’s strategic direction, the firm’s objectives, mission, aims, goals and competitive advantage have been created to offer an image and vanguard for the firm’s success. In accumulation, to determine the extent of the services and products that are offered by the organisation, and the primary environmental commitment towards nation and the aviation industry, are also important aspects of the company’s strategic direction and focus. Mission Statement Indigo airlines aims to become the number one leader in the low cost airline industry of India, offering the best service and ensuring highest standards of quality at low cost to the customer. Goals and Objectives Non- Financial Indigo airlines aim to attain the utmost rank of customer satisfaction in terms of the service an d products offered by the firm. The management ensures that the highest standards of quality are in place at every level to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Labor issue paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words

Labor issue paper - Essay Example Analysis of resemblance in cases where workers were reinstated and kept on the payroll, and features of cases where workers resigned, despite their intention to return, revealed that whether or not the workers were allowed an opportunity to argue about labor conditions with their employer in a group before their dismissal probably has a significant effect on the possibility of reinstatement. 1. Introduction Based on cross-country comparisons regarding which out of compensation and reinstatement is primarily granted as a remedy for unjust dismissal, it was revealed that remedies in Japan are reinstatement-centered. A ranking on a scale of one to four regarding the possibility of reinstatement in cases of unjust dismissal among 40 OECD and non-OECD countries shows that 9 countries, including Japan, are ranked first as countries where reinstatement is possible on almost every occasion. Some of the 9 countries also offer options for compensation depending upon types of dismissal and inte nt of workers2. However, in Japan, reinstatement is always possible regardless of types of dismissal and intent of workers and, therefore, it is safe to say that remedies in Japan are reinstatement-centered. In Japan, courts have decided that dismissal without rational reasons and social adequacy is not valid. Also, workers unjustly dismissed in Japan may claim compensation for damages. Further, it has been said that many workers do not choose the option to return to their former employer or quickly resign after reinstatement even if the court rejects the dismissal as invalid. This goes to show that reinstatement-centered remedies do not always entail high rate of actual reinstatement. How often does reinstatement take place and what are the decisive factors of reinstatement possibilities? Driven by these questions in mind, the author investigated how often reinstatement is realized and the effectiveness of reinstatement remedies in the past3. Though direct investigation of dismisse d workers was not possible in that investigative study, the author had a chance to hold interviews of dismissed workers later4. This study is aimed at describing decisive factors of possibilities of reinstatement5 that are implied by data acquired through the interviews survey. In Section 2, a brief overview of findings of Yamaguchi (2001) is provided and data used in this study are described. In Section 3, findings regarding the correlation between Japanese employment practices and reinstatement-centered remedies are reviewed. In Section 4 common factors among cases where returners keep working in their former organizations are considered. In Section 5, reasons workers did not return to their former positions despite their actions to the court for reinstatement are discussed. The last section is the conclusion. 2. Findings of Yamaguchi (2001) and Data Used in This Study For Yamaguchi (2001), the author could not directly contact the dismissed workers and, therefore, made questionna ire surveys and interviewed14 lawyers familiar with labor issues: 9 lawyers primarily working for workers and 5 lawyers primarily working for employers. This study defined the primary factors of possibilities of reinstatement as follows: (1) Employer factor: level of employer's acceptance of reinstatement; (2) Dismissed worker factor: (a) the fact that some workers seek to return to their job as a remedy but others do not, and (b) persistence

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Incidnets In The Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs Essay

Incidnets In The Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs - Essay Example Due to the efforts of Jacobs’ autobiographer Yellin and the discovery of Jacobs’ letters with many abolitionists, the authenticity was established. Harriet Jacobs was not a proficient writer indeed. However, she had a story to tell and she worked at developing writing skills. In already 1858 she finished the manuscript of the book which was further proofread by L. Maria Child and published. The first sentence of the narrative makes us aware that the story is autobiographic. The personal story of the author served the basis of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. The Jacobs’s autobiographer Yellin confirmed that events of the Incidents by Linda Brent coincided with the key events of Jacobs’ life - the suggestion earlier voiced by Amy Post. The facts of life of the main character and the author are identical and one can easily track them. The similarities of Linda’s early childhood in the Incidents and Harriet Jacobs’s childhood are the death of the mother which makes her aware of the slave status, then the death of the mistress who cared for her, her purchase by the mistress’ sister for five-year-old daughter, the death of the father, etc. Later when Linda Brent’s mistress was married to Dr. Flint (Dr. James Norcom in real life), Linda was haunted by him. She desperately tried to escape Dr. Flint and entered intimate relations with Samuel Tredwell Sawyer (Mr. Sands in the narrative) and bore two children for him - Joseph and Louisa Matilda (Ben and Ellen in the narrative). The other vivid biographic feature depicted in the story is 7 years ‘imprisonment’ of Linda in her grandmother’s attic to avoid abuse of Dr. Flint. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is fundamental work which changed the traditional view about the slave narrative which had been primarily written by male authors. This shift allowed emphasizing issues of family, womanhood and sexuality in a different light. The standards of womanhood which