Friday, December 6, 2019

Sexuality in marketing free essay sample

Using the example of a bank, give examples of information systems for each of the four levels of scope shown in Figure 7-1. Describe three workgroup information systems that are likely to duplicate data. Explain how the characteristics of information systems in Figure 7-1 relate to your examples. In the example of a bank, personal, workgroup, enterprise, and inter-enterprise information system are personal email of a single employee (for example [emailprotected] com), Customer service system, Audi online webpage, and AUB cashier’s office and Audi Bank relatively. The three workgroups are the customer service, accounting, and sales department. They all share common information of customers such as customer’s name, age, account ID †¦etc. employee’s email address is the example of personal information system as it each employee has his/her own email thus single user and it is easy to change their personal informations at any time. Customer service system is one example of workgroup information system since employee’s in customer service department are involved and have access to this information system. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexuality in marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We assume the number of users are less than 100. The informations would only be understood within customer service department and it is not as easy as personal information system of changing the information. Bank’s online banking system is one example of Enterprise as the users of this information system are all the customers. The system has formalized procedures to follow when making any kind of online transaction and the information is hard to change. AUB cashier’s office and audi are both independent organization and they work with each other to serve a student and both have contractual agreements with transactions of tuition fees. In your answer to question 1, explain how the three workgroup information systems create information silos. Describe the kinds of problems that those silos are likely to cause. Use Figure 7-3 as a guide. The three workgroups are the customer service, accounting, and sales department. Each workgroup would have its own information silo depending on the data they possess. For example, the customer service would have client’s name, age, address, year of birth and birthday, nationality. Accounting would have client’s name, account number, transaction history as well as balance amount. As for the sales/marketing department would have client’s name, age, profession, and interest for their marketing purposes. These three silos are likely to cause data duplication and inconsistencies, and as well as lack of integrated information. All of these problems will lead to an increase expenses. 3. Using your answer to question 2, describe an enterprise information system that will eliminate the silos. Would the implementation of your system require process reengineering? Explain why or why not. An enterprise information system that would eliminate these silos and their problems would be one that would connect all systems together. This system is ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning) and implementing this system requires business reengineering because a change to the entire system must be done and it is done through business reengineering. 4. Is the information system you proposed in your answer to question 3 an application of CRM, ERP, or EAI? If so, which one and why? If not, explain why not. The information system I proposed in question #3 is an ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning). I proposed this system because this system collects all the informations in one and single database where every department of Bank can have access, alternate to the data. Once one database connects them all, everyone who uses the same information can easily get it and would not face all the problems of data inconsistency, disjunction, and duplication. I did not choose CRM(Customer Relationship Management) because this system is for customer and their interactions with an enterprise and this system have absent of HRM, Inventory, Accounting, and Manufacturing applications which are the most important applications in the bank.

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