Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Analysis Of Self-Portrait In A Straw Hat - 788 Words

Step 1: Description On page 87 in Artforms is the painting Self-Portrait in a Straw Hat. This oil painting was produced by Marie Louise Elizabeth Vigee-LeBrun in the year 1782. The work of art depicts a young woman, presumably the artist, posing in front of a clouded blue sky. The figure is clothed in a rose colored dress with white ruffle along the neckline, a navy blue colored shawl which is wrapped around the crooks of her arms, and a straw hat adorned with bright red, blue, and white flowers. A large white feather with black trim is protruding from the hat. The lady in the portrait is facing forward and holding paint brushes and a palette topped with paints in her left hand. Her hair frames her face and fall on top of her†¦show more content†¦Through this painting, Marie Louise Elizabeth Vigee-LeBrun is sharing herself with the viewer. The message is easily understood. Three Dimensional Art Step 1: Description: On page 203 of Artforms is the site-specific work of art called Eavesdropping. This piece was created by Amalia Pica in the year 2011. It is composed of forty standard sized drinking glasses. Each glass is affixed to a white wall with glue, so that the rim of the glass is against the wall. The glasses are a variety in color, ranging from purples, to blues, to reds. Some of the glasses have no color and are simply clear. Most of them have no pattern, but there are a couple glasses that have a patterned design. Step 2: Eavesdropping spans over a 78† X 240† wall. The glasses are scattered is a way that fills the space without forming solid lines or a pattern. The cups a fewer on the sides than in the center, giving the piece the implied shape of an ellipse. Light hits the glasses and bounces off them and passes through them. The colors are mostly cool with a burst of bright red on the right of the piece. Step 3: At first, this work of art made me feel happy and slightly mischievous. Then I learned that Amalia Pica lived under a dictator in Argentina; this changed the way I saw the sculpture. I believe that the piece is meant to symbolize that there is always someone listening, even if you are unaware. This give me an eerie feelingShow MoreRelatedWhat Category Does The Art Fall Under? How Can You Tell?1103 Words   |  5 Pagesdoes not use many colors in this painting. The colors used suggest that the time of day is around the evening and the lighting is low. His eyes and his hat are warm colors and they stick out from the cool colors. The stark contrasts in this painting his eyes. His eyes are the brightest thing on the painting, so your eyes go directly to it. The hat is the second brightest thing and your eyes go up to there. After that, everything else is abou the same color and nothing else draws your attention. 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