Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication Skills Samples for Students †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Write essay on "Communication Skills". Answer: Briscoe (2012) has said in his research work that at any time of life, most of the people would require to make a presentation accounting visual aids and thus it can be easily said that the potentiality to make effective presentations is one of the core skills for most of the people. In the present day scenario, this comes with the territory. However, it can be stated that by definition, an effective presentation meets successfully its objectives and it certainly pursues that an effective presentation has an unequivocal set of objectives. Briscoe (2012) has stated that effective presentations as well are marked by the high quality visuals by the practiced as well as smooth delivery. Therefore, it can be stated that the content of the presentation and any supporting visuals and the handouts must be properly applicable to the listeners and useful in case of their requirements and needs. Harolds (2012) has mentioned in his research work that at the time of presentation, the most significant part is the audience and to get this answer, it is required to focus on some simple points. Number of people attending the presentation, background of the audience, interest of the audiences and most importantly, their familiarity with the subject of discussion at the presentation are the major four parts in this regards. However, it can be stated that answers of these questions might help the presentation giver to successfully recognize the amount and the complexity of the presentation material. Moreover, this would help to determine if an introduction would be necessary at the time of presentation in order to familiarize people with the presentation topic and at the same time, this would allow the person to shed focus on the types of effective examples to be used. Most importantly, it can be opined that proper analysis of the attendees would help the presentation giver to avoid any kind of awkwardness and blunders. Therefore, it can be stated that the entire research work has tried mainly to focus on the importance of audience at the time of presentation from the viewpoint of a presentation provider. Moreover, Weissman (2013) has stated that after identifying the nature and the characteristics of the audience, it is necessary for the presentation provider to decide what is required to accomplish with the presentation. Lee et al. (2013) have mentioned in his research work that the communication is at the core of most of the institutional research works and thus creating effective presentations is one of the significant skills for most of the professionals. In this case, the power point presentation has become the de facto presentation tool for most of the professionals. However, it can be opined that when used inaccurately, power point slides basically interfere with communication, rather than just promoting this. It can be found that the communication researchers have significantly recognized concepts that have substantial implications for how a professional can create the most effective presentations and these have been mentioned here. Initially it can be stated that the people learn more from visuals and narrative rather than from words only (Weissman 2013). This happens because brain has some separate channels for processing visuals as well as verbal materials and this result in higher level of understanding. Secondly, most significant point is that communication is generally repressed when the same words are spoken as well as displayed on the screen at the same time. Research works have revealed the fact that human mind cannot listen as well as read at the same time. Thirdly, it can be stated that people are capable enough of holding only some few pieces of data in their short-term memory at a time. Therefore, the roles and the responsibilities as being the presenters is to prepare the message clear enough, memorable for a long time and at the same time entertaining. Therefore, it can be stated that these three points are required to inspire a presenter at the time of preparing a presentation. The presenters are required to throw out slides after slides of boring bullet point and in that place; the presenter must replace these slides t hat properly use visuals in an attractive as well as momentous procedure (Lee et al. 2013). Mackinlay (2008) has demonstrated in his research work that speaking is one of the major parts of presentation and most of the professionals are required to look at this part sincerely to make the presentation effective enough. Pacing, clarity and cadence are three major elements of speaking and these must be focused on. Determining the pacing of the presentation is essential, as effective presentations might be a set of quick pace or a calm pace or sometimes a perfect combination (Lee et al. 2013). But the presenter is required to be deliberate and carefully think about the audience along with the content of the presentation and self ability. The volume and clarity of the presenters voice is highly important and based on the nature of voice, one must modify this clarity at the time of delivering the presentation to the audience. Mackinlay (2008) has said that the presenter must not just read the presentation thoroughly. Being well-prepared and speaking conversationally helps to make the sentence easier to understand to the audience and thus the professionals are required to acquire this skill properly. Besides these, it is now required to look at the preparation of making effective presentation slides. Sariki et al. (2012) have demonstrated in his research work that slides are visual aids that assist to communicate the key message of the presenter to the target audience. If it is used properly, visual slides help in increasing learning, clarify what one wants to describe and the procedure to engage the audience efficiently. Properly designed presentation allows the presenters to reach both the visual and the acoustic learners. Many researchers in this field have stated that most of the slides are consistently over-filled and the slides are packed up with texts, charts, graphs, pictures and may more. However, on the contrary to this situation, it can be mentioned that the slides are required to be simple and clearly illustrative. Most of the people love images and visuals, basically well-designed slides help the presenters to reach more people with lots of information because of the fact that the people learn differently and many audiences are the visual apprentices (Sariki et al. 2012). Penuel et al. (2007) have suggested the presenters to incorporate diagrams rather than bullet points, as diagrams help to explain the viewpoint of the presenter more clearly than anything else. The technological advancements have helped the professionals presently to embed digital media into their presentation and create a dynamic multimedia occurrence when it is suitable. Sever et al. (2013) have discussed in his research work that an effective presentation takes place as a proper consequence of the four solely related activities, which is known as the Four Ps of effective presentation. First a presenter is required to plan the presentation and based on the plan, it is required to properly prepare the presentation. Then the presenter must practice the delivery of the presentation accurately. Combination of these three successful steps leads to the achievement of final stage, i.e. presenting the presentation in front of the audience. However, Sever et al. (2013) have said that first three stages overlap and are separate from the original presentation. In case of planning the presentation, the presenter must focus on objectives, audience, content along with the organization, visuals and delivery. The content part is highly essential, as there exist two parts in this case. The initial one is the relevance as well as usefulness of the content to the targe t audience and the second part is the relevance and the usefulness of the content to the set objectives. Settings part takes into account seating arrangements of the audience, lighting system and size of the room as well as the expected and estimated number of people in attendance (Sever et al. 2013). Swathi (2015) has clearly mentioned in his research work that presenting proper information clearly as well as efficiently is one of the key principles and skills to get the message and opinion delivered to the audience and in the present day, the presentation skills of individuals in schools, colleges, universities, organizations have become required besides the professionals (Swathi 2015). It can be stated that the presentation skills and the speaking skills as well are highly useful in several aspects of work and business life like trading, business teaching and lecturing that tends to develop confidence and some other social situations. Therefore, it can be concluded in a nutshell that the entire research work has tried to shed emphasis on several aspects that tends to make a presentation effective. Research works of the eminent researchers have been analyzed to gain in-depth knowledge of the research topic. Besides acquiring several skills and knowledge, most people are required to acquire this knowledge efficiently, as delivering effective presentations have become one of the major requirements in the working fields. References Briscoe, M.H., 2012.Preparing scientific illustrations: a guide to better posters, presentations, and publications. Springer Science Business Media. Harolds, J.A., 2012. Tips for giving a memorable presentation, part VI: the effective use of questions by a speaker, and answering questions from listeners.Clinical nuclear medicine,37(12), pp.1173-1175. Lee, G., Williams, S.E., Jamil-Copley, S., Qureshi, N.A., Ryan, M.J., Anwar, A.S., Fraser, S., Phan, T.T., Campbell, N.G., Pettit, S.J. and Lambiase, P.D., 2013. ABSTRACTS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION, SESSION 3, HRC 2013Mapping and Ablation31Panoramic characterization of left atrial wavefront activation during human persistent af using a 3D non-contact mapping system32High accuracy unipolar local activation time assignment to facilitate dense multipolar electrode mapping33Ripple mapping improves the visualisation of atrial tachycardia activation sequences34Non-invasive electrocardiographic mapping to guide ablation of outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias: pre ....Europace,15(suppl 4), pp.iv14-iv18. MACKINLAY, J. 2008.Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information. Penuel, W., Fishman, B., Yamaguchi, R. and Gallagher, L. 2007.What Makes Professional Development Effective? Strategies That Foster Curriculum Implementation. Sariki, T.P., Kumar, B. and Ragala, R., 2012. Effective Classroom Presentation Generation Using Text Summarization. Sever, S., Oguz-Unver, A. and Yurumezoglu, K., 2013. The effective presentation of inquiry-based classroom experiments using teaching strategies that employ video and demonstration methods.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology,29(3), pp.450-463. Swathi, T.V.S.S., 2015. The Importance of Effective Presentation for Organizational Success.IUP Journal of Soft Skills,9(2), p.7. Weissman, J., 2013.Successful Presentation Strategies (Collection). FT Press.

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