Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Experiencing a New Country France free essay sample

In this short essay, I chose a country I traveled to that opened my eyes to different cultures. France is a country full of diversity and a place I would feel honored to return to, in hopes of learning more from the culture they have to offer. Traveling to France I expected to be entranced by the grand architecture and art that had contributed to history, I was mistaken. I found the heart and soul of the nation in the people. I realized, after much travel, that it is the people and their culture continually that amaze me. After exploring France, I discovered the invigoration of hearing a dissimilar language and learning how to adapt to the new environment. While some travelers carried the pride of their nation, I found it invigorating to assimilate into my new surroundings. In order to accomplish this, I decided to learn French in hopes that continual study of common practices would allow me to live the life of a Frenchmen. We will write a custom essay sample on Experiencing a New Country: France or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Upon arrival I found it easy to adopt the concept of public transportation, and each metro ride became more satisfying as I met varying people of varying nations. I then adjusted my eating schedules and found a taste for French cuisine. With this, I commenced greeting my fellow Frenchmen with, â€Å"Bonjour monsieur! † I was determined to not leave as a stereotypical tourist. I made it my goal to experience the nooks and crannies far from tourist France that is so often portrayed. That is when I found myself sitting in a local brasserie sipping â€Å"une lemonade† and thinking this is one adventure of a lifetime. Now being back in Texas, I hope to embark in my next adventure, to be apart of Colgate Univesity, an institution rich with culture and diversity that produces diplomats of the world.

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